Macro “ExtractComments” –
Export comments from MS Word to MS Excel

Introduction The development of clinical documentation in drug development requires interdisciplinary communication and collaboration regarding complex, comprehensive text documents over multiple revision cycles resulting in documents of 50 to 200 pages with several hundreds of comments and replies. Reviewing such documents is time-consuming because it is often not clear: To answer these questions, text-related comments…


[Query PubMed now!] Media Coverage Harari, Y. N. (2015). Sapiens – A Brief History of Human Kind (Kindle edition). New York, USA: Harper Note: This book (p. 402/403) describes the influence of genetics on human pair bonding in humans citing the review by Donaldson & Young (2008, Science) , which quotes the results from the…

Bayesian Belief Networks and AgenaRisk

I recently got my hands on Bayesian Belief Networks to model multi-dimensional decision problems, which include objective and subjective data (“beliefs”) with varying degrees of under uncertainty. To choose a (non)trivial example one can look at the question “Does she/he like me?” after you met this attractive person, randomly picking the same book on machine…

DMML classics

Just to remind readers that the following textbooks on data mining and machine learning are classics and freely available. After downloading them to your ebook reader, they should be readable without soon tiring the eyes … Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2013). The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second…